Konferencja PTDE 2023
Konferencja PTDE 2023


Liliia Hrynevych

PhD in Pedagogy, Associate Professor, First Vice-Rector
Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University

Has gone through all the stages of a professional career in education: from a teacher, school principal, university lecturer, director general of the Head Department of Education and Science at Kyiv City State Administration to the Minister of Education and Science. In 2005, presented a thesis on «Trends in Decentralization of Basic Education Management in Modern Poland».  →

Led the creation of the external independent evaluation system, developed relevant regulations and methodological materials for monitoring the quality of education, and was the first director of the Ukrainian Center for Educational Quality Assessment. As the Chairman of the Committee on Science and Education of Parliament of Ukraine of VII-VIII convocations in 2012-2016, co-authored the new Laws «On Higher Education» and «On Education». As the Minister of Education and Science of Ukraine in 2016-2019, initiated and implemented the «New Ukrainian School» reform of general secondary education, which aims to develop modern key competencies and cross-cutting skills, preserve Ukrainian identity and is based on the principles of child-centredness, partnership pedagogy, inclusiveness and innovation. Led the development and co-authored most of the regulations and conceptual documents related to the reform.

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